Given the integers zero
, one
, low
, and high
, we can construct a string by starting with an empty string, and then at each step perform either of the following:
- Append the character
times. - Append the character
This can be performed any number of times.
A good string is a string constructed by the above process having a length between low
and high
Return the number of different good strings that can be constructed satisfying these properties. Since the answer can be large, return it modulo 109 + 7
Example 1:
Input: low = 3, high = 3, zero = 1, one = 1 Output: 8 Explanation: One possible valid good string is "011". It can be constructed as follows: "" -> "0" -> "01" -> "011". All binary strings from "000" to "111" are good strings in this example.
Example 2:
Input: low = 2, high = 3, zero = 1, one = 2 Output: 5 Explanation: The good strings are "00", "11", "000", "110", and "011".
1 <= low <= high <= 105
1 <= zero, one <= low
Approach 01:
class Solution { public: int MOD = 1000000007; vector<int> memo; int solve(int low, int high, int zero, int one, int currentLength) { if (currentLength > high) { return 0; } if(memo[currentLength] != -1){ return memo[currentLength]; } int total = 0; // Base case: Valid string length if (currentLength >= low && currentLength <= high) { total = 1; } // Recursive case: Add zeros and ones int left = solve(low, high, zero, one, currentLength + zero); int right = solve(low, high, zero, one, currentLength + one); total = (total + left + right) % MOD; memo[currentLength] = total; return total; } int countGoodStrings(int low, int high, int zero, int one) { memo.assign(high+1, -1); return solve(low, high, zero, one, 0); } };
class Solution: MOD = 10**9 + 7 def solve(self, low, high, zero, one, currentLength): if currentLength > high: return 0 # Memoization check if self.memo[currentLength] != -1: return self.memo[currentLength] # Base case: valid string within the range total = 0 if low <= currentLength <= high: total = 1 # Recursive case: add strings of zeros and ones left = self.solve(low, high, zero, one, currentLength + zero) right = self.solve(low, high, zero, one, currentLength + one) total = (total + left + right) % self.MOD self.memo[currentLength] = total # Store result in memo return total def countGoodStrings(self, low: int, high: int, zero: int, one: int) -> int: # Initialize memoization table self.memo = [-1] * (high + 1) return self.solve(low, high, zero, one, 0)
Time Complexity:
- Memoization:
- Each unique state, defined by
, is computed only once due to memoization. - The number of possible states is proportional to \( O(\text{high}) \), where \(\text{high}\) is the maximum allowable length.
- Each unique state, defined by
- Overall Time Complexity for Recursive Approach:
The total time complexity is \( O(\text{high}) \), as each state is visited exactly once and operations for each state are \( O(1) \).
Space Complexity:
- Memoization Table:
- A table of size \( O(\text{high}) \) is maintained to store the results for each state of
- A table of size \( O(\text{high}) \) is maintained to store the results for each state of
- Recursive Stack Depth:
- In the worst case, the recursive stack depth can go up to \( O(\text{high}) \), as each recursive call decreases
by at least 1.
- In the worst case, the recursive stack depth can go up to \( O(\text{high}) \), as each recursive call decreases
- Overall Space Complexity:
The total space complexity is \( O(\text{high}) \), combining the memoization table and recursive stack space.
Approach 02:
class Solution { public: int MOD = 1000000007; int countGoodStrings(int low, int high, int zero, int one) { vector<int> dp(high+1, 0); dp[0] = 1; for(int length = 1; length <= high; ++length){ if(length>=zero){ dp[length] = (dp[length] + dp[length-zero])%MOD; } if(length>=one){ dp[length] = (dp[length] + dp[length-one])%MOD; } } int result = 0; for(int length=low; length<=high; ++length){ result = (result + dp[length])%MOD; } return result; } };
class Solution: MOD = 1000000007 def countGoodStrings(self, low: int, high: int, zero: int, one: int) -> int: # Initialize the dp array dp = [0] * (high + 1) dp[0] = 1 # Base case: 1 way to create a string of length 0 # Fill the dp array for length in range(1, high + 1): if length >= zero: # Add strings ending with `zero` dp[length] = (dp[length] + dp[length - zero]) % self.MOD if length >= one: # Add strings ending with `one` dp[length] = (dp[length] + dp[length - one]) % self.MOD # Calculate the result for lengths within [low, high] result = 0 for length in range(low, high + 1): result = (result + dp[length]) % self.MOD return result
Time Complexity:
- DP Calculation:
- We iterate through all values up to \( \text{high} \) to compute the DP array values.
- The operations for each value are \( O(1) \), so the total computation is \( O(\text{high}) \).
- Result Calculation:
- Summing up valid lengths from the DP table requires a single pass over the array, which is \( O(\text{high}) \).
- Overall Time Complexity for DP Approach:
The total time complexity is \( O(\text{high}) \).
Space Complexity:
- DP Array:
- The DP array has a size of \( O(\text{high}) \), storing values for all lengths up to \( \text{high} \).
- Overall Space Complexity:
The total space complexity is \( O(\text{high}) \), as only the DP array is stored.