Given an array arr[]
containing integers and an integer k
, your task is to find the length of the longest subarray where the sum of its elements is equal to the given value k
. If there is no subarray with sum equal to k
, return 0
Input: arr[] = [10, 5, 2, 7, 1, -10], k = 15 Output: 6 Explanation: Subarrays with sum = 15 are [5, 2, 7, 1], [10, 5] and [10, 5, 2, 7, 1, -10]. The length of the longest subarray with a sum of 15 is 6.
Input: arr[] = [-5, 8, -14, 2, 4, 12], k = -5 Output: 5 Explanation: Only subarray with sum = 15 is [-5, 8, -14, 2, 4] of length 5.
Input: arr[] = [10, -10, 20, 30], k = 5 Output: 0 Explanation: No subarray with sum = 5 is present in arr[].
1 ≤ arr.size() ≤ 105
-104 ≤ arr[i] ≤ 104
-109 ≤ k ≤ 109
Approach 01:
class Solution { public: int longestSubarray(vector<int>& nums, int targetSum) { int size = nums.size(); int currentPrefixSum = 0; unordered_map<int, int> prefixIndexMap = {{0, -1}}; int maxLength = 0; // Traverse the array and calculate the prefix sum for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { currentPrefixSum += nums[i]; int requiredSum = currentPrefixSum - targetSum; // Check if the required prefix sum exists if (prefixIndexMap.find(requiredSum) != prefixIndexMap.end()) { maxLength = max(maxLength, i - prefixIndexMap[requiredSum]); } // Store the current prefix sum in the map if not already present if (prefixIndexMap.find(currentPrefixSum) == prefixIndexMap.end()) { prefixIndexMap[currentPrefixSum] = i; } } return maxLength; } };
class Solution: def longestSubarray(self, nums, targetSum): size = len(nums) currentPrefixSum = 0 prefixIndexMap = {0: -1} maxLength = 0 # Traverse the array and calculate the prefix sum for i in range(size): currentPrefixSum += nums[i] requiredSum = currentPrefixSum - targetSum # Check if the required prefix sum exists if requiredSum in prefixIndexMap: maxLength = max(maxLength, i - prefixIndexMap[requiredSum]) # Store the current prefix sum in the map if not already present if currentPrefixSum not in prefixIndexMap: prefixIndexMap[currentPrefixSum] = i return maxLength
Time Complexity:
- Array Traversal:
We traverse the array once, which takes \( O(n) \), where \( n \) is the size of the array.
- Prefix Sum Map Operations:
For each element in the array, we perform \( O(1) \) operations for insertion and lookup in the hash map. This adds up to \( O(n) \) for all elements.
- Overall Time Complexity:
The total time complexity is \( O(n) \).
Space Complexity:
- Hash Map:
The hash map stores at most \( n + 1 \) entries (one for each prefix sum plus the initial zero sum). This takes \( O(n) \) space.
- Overall Space Complexity:
The total space complexity is \( O(n) \).