Compare two fractions

You are given a string str containing two fractions a/b and c/d, compare them and return the greater. If they are equal, then return “equal“.

Note: The string str contains “a/b, c/d“(fractions are separated by comma(,) & space( )). 


Input: str = "5/6, 11/45"
Output: 5/6
Explanation: 5/6=0.8333 and 11/45=0.2444, So 5/6 is greater fraction.
Input: str = "8/1, 8/1"
Output: equal
Explanation: We can see that both the fractions are same, so we'll return a string "equal".
Input: str = "10/17, 9/10"
Output: 9/10
Explanation: 10/17 = 0.588 & 9/10 = 0.9, so the greater fraction is "9/10".

Expected Time Complexity: O(len|str|)
Expected Auxiliary Space: O(1)


Approach 01:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Solution {
    string compareFrac(string s) {
        // Find the position of the comma in the input string
        const size_t pos = s.find(',');

        // Separate the input string into two substrings, one for each fraction
        string s1 = s.substr(0, pos);          // First fraction
        string s2 = s.substr(pos + 2);         // Second fraction (skip ", ")

        // Calculate the cross-multiplication values to compare the fractions
        int l = stoi(s1) * stoi(s2.substr(s2.find('/') + 1));   // a * d
        int r = stoi(s2) * stoi(s1.substr(s1.find('/') + 1));   // c * b

        // Compare the cross-multiplication values and return the appropriate result
        return l == r ? "equal" : l > r ? s1 : s2;
class Solution:
    def compareFrac(self, s: str) -> str:
        # Find the position of the comma in the input string
        pos = s.find(',')

        # Separate the input string into two substrings, one for each fraction
        s1 = s[:pos].strip()  # First fraction
        s2 = s[pos + 2:].strip()  # Second fraction (skip ", ")

        # Calculate the cross-multiplication values to compare the fractions
        l = int(s1.split('/')[0]) * int(s2.split('/')[1])  # a * d
        r = int(s2.split('/')[0]) * int(s1.split('/')[1])  # c * b

        # Compare the cross-multiplication values and return the appropriate result
        if l == r:
            return "equal"
        elif l > r:
            return s1
            return s2

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